Welcome to Year 3
Welcome to Spring Term in Year 3!
Miss Jackson will be teaching on Mondays and Tuesdays, and Miss Christie will be teaching on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; Mrs McDonald and Mrs Pullan will be our teaching assistants.
On this page, you should find everything you need to know - our Meet the Teacher Information Evening presentation, curriculum map, knowledge organisers and weekly blog are a full of information but please contact us should there be anything else you need.
Year 3 Class Blog
Sculpture designs
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog
This half term we will be making clay bird sculptures based on Road Dahl’s story, Billy and the Minpins. Today we have been researching different British birds in order to help us with our designs. There were some fantastic designs and many sketches that were better than Mrs Pape’s!
Our Christian Values- Dioramas
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog
This week we have enjoyed some wonderful art afternoons based on our whole school art project on our Christian values. The children worked in groups to design a diorama based on their given Christian value. It was a very enjoyable afternoon and all the children worked brilliantly together to create their creative piece. Each diorama will be displayed around school and we are looking forward to sharing them with the rest of the school tomorrow.
We are musicians!
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog
Persuasive writing
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog
This week in English. We have been planning a persuasive leaflet based on a place in Greece. We worked in different groups to research each destination to find out about the location, culture, history, food and things to do there. We are looking forward to writing them next week and hopefully persuading you all to go there one day!
Super sewing bees!
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog
What an amazing bunch of sewing bees we have in year 3! I have been blown away with their skills and learning over the past few weeks and we have created a wonderful display in class of their cushions. The children have incorporated running stitch, cross stitch and appliqué into their cushions and they all look outstanding! They are looking forward to bring them home for you to see. Thank you to those of you who volunteered to help last week, I am so grateful for your help and threading needles!