Welcome to Year 3
Welcome to Spring Term in Year 3!
Miss Jackson will be teaching on Mondays and Tuesdays, and Miss Christie will be teaching on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; Mrs McDonald and Mrs Pullan will be our teaching assistants.
On this page, you should find everything you need to know - our Meet the Teacher Information Evening presentation, curriculum map, knowledge organisers and weekly blog are a full of information but please contact us should there be anything else you need.
Year 3 Class Blog
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog
Our Christian value this half term is Love. Year 3 have independently written prayers and messages of love for the prayer tree in the classroom. We were really impressed with their well thought-out messages and words that show how much the children care for each other, their families and world around them. Such a pleasure to read.
Just a reminder re. spellings - we are now up to Week 5 - and Mathletics - please ensure the 3 activities are completed each week plus any extra assigned if more practise is required (maximum 1 extra per week). We know a few people have had trouble with logging on and no tasks seeming to have been set - we are monitoring this issue but if it happens, please practise other tasks relating to our maths learning (so far, place value and addition and subtraction) and let us know asap.
Arty Arctic!
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog
This week the children have put together the art learning they have been doing since our first week to begin their creation of a beautiful piece of Arctic art on cloth. The colours and textures certainly create that cold Arctic feeling! Amazing job, Year 3! Keep your fingers crossed for Miss Jackson and the children sewing next week!!
Please keep an eye on the parents' evening information which will be coming out soon - and as a reminder, please note that Year 3's evenings are different to other classes' in that they are on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th.
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog
We've had another great week in Year 3! The children have been completing their first piece of independent writing and Miss Jackson and I are impressed! They have been adding detail with adjectives and adverbs, trying hard to choose unusual verbs and lots of them tried to use speech to show a friendship growing between their main character, April, and a polar bear! They have also done some great maths - we have been practising ordering and comparing numbers and estimating numbers on a number line. The latter was quite tricky but the children tried their best and didn't give up - what more could we want?! And finally, of course, they have been dressing up like Times Table Rockstars! They had such amazing costumes - thank you for the effort that went into them! (I will add photos next week - apologies but a few technical difficulties today - but you will also find photos on Mr Dalrymple's weekly newsletter).
For next week - Week 3 spellings and Mathletics for Friday and Reading Records to be returned on Thursday (please make a note if your child has finished their book or is still reading it). Have a great weekend!
Settling In
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog
The children are settling into Key Stage 2 now and starting to get used to the new learning and new expectations. This week has been packed with learning again! The children have had their first swimming lesson, their first spelling test and begun their first piece of independent writing, a story continuation, based on our class read, The Last Bear. I’m sure you’ll agree, the writing below is already hooking us in - can’t wait to read more next week!
PS - This half term's spelling sheet is now on the class page along with our other learning information. Please practise Week 2's words with your child ready for next Friday along with completing their Mathletics tasks which are now set up - login details are in the reading records which were brought into school on Thursday. Please ensure all reading records are signed and brought into school every Thursday (and next Monday as an extra for those who do not have a Mathletics login stuck in yet).
Week 1!
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog
Wow! What a week! We've had such a busy time but so varied! From Arctic adventures (yes, already!) and learning about healthy bones to number lines and our first French lesson, the children have been enthusiastic and raring to go with Key Stage 2! Thank you to all of those who came to the Meet the Teacher meeting on Wednesday - it was lovely to meet you all. For those who were unable to, the information slides are on our class page on the website, so please do have a look. Have a restful weekend - if the children are as tired as us, they'll need it!
PS A quick note about spellings - your child should have brought home a spelling list tonight. This is for the whole of this half term - please practise the Week 1 spellings (little and often is most effective) ready for a dictation-style test next Friday. Mrs McDonald's group will be tested on the top 5 spellings. Miss Christie's group will be tested on all 10, but only 5 in dictation form for now. The children will be given a mark for all the spellings in the sentences (the words will all be words they are expected to know by now, such as, when, with, came etc.) and a mark for punctuation (full stops, capital letters and question marks for now). Children who get all the learned spellings correct (even if the others are not) will receive house points for their efforts.