Adel St John The Baptist

Love - Serve - Support - Succeed

Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to Spring Term in Year 3!

Miss Jackson will be teaching on Mondays and Tuesdays, and Miss Christie will be teaching on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; Mrs McDonald and Mrs Pullan will be our teaching assistants.

On this page, you should find everything you need to know - our Meet the Teacher Information Evening presentation, curriculum map, knowledge organisers and weekly blog are a full of information but please contact us should there be anything else you need.

Year 3 Class Blog

What is darkness?

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog

This week in Science we began our new topic on ‘Light’. We started by exploring what darkness is and how we need light to see different things. The children had to add natural light to each box to see what was hiding inside. 

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Hokusai- Sketching

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog

This week in Art we have been preparing for our final piece of work based on Hokusai's 'The Great Wave of Kanagawa'. The children sketched the outlines of their final piece ready for painting next week. We focused on shape and proportion and the children are looking forward to completing their final piece next week. Check the blog next week to see them!

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Our Wonderful World

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog

In RE, we have been learning about the Creation Story from the book of Genesis. We understand the importance of looking after our world and seeing beauty in everyday life. The children took photographs in the school grounds of things they thought were special or were God's creations. We hope you enjoy their video! 

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