Welcome to Year 4
Year 4 Essential Information
Year 4 Curriculum Map
Year 4 Essential Information - Spring 2
Welcome back! We hope all of Year 4 had a lovely half term break and are back in school feeling refreshed and ready to learn.
This half term we welcome Miss Leeming-Sykes to Year 4, a student teacher from York St John University. She will be working alongside both class teachers to teach Year 4 over the coming weeks. We know that Year 4 will make her feel really welcome.
If you need to get in touch, please contact us on:
grace.quinn@adel-st-john.leeds.sch.uk and chloe.dakin@adel-st-john.leeds.sch.uk
It is always best to copy both class teachers into your communications with us, so that we are both aware of anything that is going on.
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Dakin and Mrs Quinn
Homework In Year 4
Reading: Your child's reading book should travel to and from school with them every day, alongside their green reading record. Reading helps children’s learning in a huge number of ways, including improving their vocabulary, developing the quality of their writing and building their comprehension skills. We expect children to read at home at least three times per week. We ask that a parent or carer sign this off in the reading record to be checked in school each Monday.
Spellings: A new spelling list will be sent home each Friday and should be practised regularly, in short bursts throughout the week, ready for a test on the following Friday. The children will also have some opportunities in class to practise. In the Friday test, all ten words will be tested through dictated sentences.
Mathletics: This is to be completed every week – there will be new Mathletics tasks set each Friday with trickier tasks (those scoring less than 50%) being re-set. Please check if your child needs support with any re-set tasks.
Times Tables Rock Stars: Using TTRS to practise times tables regularly at home is a very good idea. Just a three minute burst every day should see recall speeds continue to improve.
Our PE days will continue to be Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday mornings. Appropriate kit (trainers, black trousers/shorts with a white t-shirt and plain black jacket/jumper) must be worn on these days.
Things to remember:
- All children should bring a named flask or bottle of water to school. This should be taken home and washed every day.
- Named pumps must be worn in school. Children should be able to tie laces quickly if they have lace-up pumps/outdoor shoes and pumps should be checked by a parent every half term to ensure they are in good condition to prevent trip hazards.
- Named, appropriate clothing for the weather should be brought every day – please ensure your child has a coat in school every day. Gloves and hats may also still be a good idea at this time of year.
- School Policy is that, other than for religious reasons, children should not wear jewellery in school apart from a watch (smart watches are not allowed). These need to be removed for PE lessons.
Year 4 Class Blog
Rockstar Writing
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 4 Class Blog
Firstly, can I say how amazing the children looked for TT Rockstars Day yesterday?! They absolutely rocked the look and loved seeing each other dressed up so thank you all for your efforts!
For the last few weeks, the children have been working hard on their sentence stacking in English, ready to write a diary of a ‘Roman day out’ this week. The children's focus was excellent and we have had some amazing vocabulary and suspense writing – perhaps the rock costumes helped the creative flow! Here are some examples to whet your appetites before you will able to read their full pieces of writing at parents’ evening in a couple of weeks’ time.
11/12/23. This was the date we had all been waiting for. - Abigail
I felt more excited than a dog. - Dexter
I suddenly realised a full grown tiger was in the cage and then the tiger was released and the unexpected happened… - Fredrik
Suddenly I felt fuzzy. A drum beat in my ear and I fumbled for my water. - Annabeth
There was the sound of swords clashing together and thumps of people falling to the ground. - Sehaj
I saw with my own two eyes blood everywhere! – Seren
I was amazed not just at what I was seeing but how they ran in heavy armour! - Alex
Two knights on horseback started charging at each other like a bull and almost hit each other with some long sticks. THIS. WAS. WAR. - Sebby
It was man vs. man. They were both unarmed. One man grabbed a rock! – Daniel
The tiger pounced with all that he had left, claws reaching out, and finally it was over. - Freya
I told my mum about my day and the mind blowing things that happened like the gladiator fight and the coach that took forever! - Zach
Maths Minds!
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 4 Class Blog
We have worked hard on our place value learning so far this half term and have focused on rounding numbers this week; we are now ready for a new topic on Monday. Today we had a carousel of activities to help us consolidate our learning of Roman numerals, rounding and times tables. It was quite noisy in Year 4 but it was great to hear all the maths chat happening and to see the children gaining confidence in these tricky areas! Perhaps you could check how they’re getting on with it at home this weekend!
Roman Society
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 4 Class Blog
We’ve had fun this afternoon learning about Roman society. We learnt about the word ‘hierarchy’ and about the different roles people had within it. Sadly, women didn’t feature too highly although some of our girls were super actors! The row at the back are ‘patricians’, in front of whom were ‘plebeians’ before the ‘freemans’ sat at the front, and the ‘slaves’ doing their chores at the sides! I’m sure the children will be able to explain what each of those roles meant!
Ukelele Fun!
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 4 Class Blog
This week, we had a super time beginning our learning about how to play the ukelele! I'm sure the children had fun and by the end of the lesson, everyone could play two chords - C and A Minor! Well done, everyone! We can't wait for next time!
Spellings for w/c 12/09/22
Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 4 Class Blog
As Seesaw is not quite up and running yet, these are the spellings to practise for this week. Usually, spelling tests will be on a Monday but due to the bank holiday on Monday 19th, next week's test will be on Tuesday 20th.
- caught
- cause
- taught
- clause
- daughter
- autumn
- naughty
- applause
- astronaut
- author