Adel St John The Baptist

Love - Serve - Support - Succeed

Welcome to Year 2


Year 2 Curriculum Map

Welcome to Year 2!

Welcome to the Autumn term in Year 2! The children will be in class with Miss White (Monday, Thursday and Friday) and Mrs Moleele (Tuesday and Wednesday), with additional support from Miss McNamara. Above is our Long Term Plan for the year with details about the Year 2 curriculum. Below are some brief details about elements of our learning this half term and some key information to help the half term run smoothly. There are also Knowledge Organisers for our science, RE, history and geography for your information. Please do keep an eye out for regular information about our class on our blog (details for which will be on the school newsletter, although if you’ve found this, you’re in the right place!) and any last minute information or changes on the school app. If you have any questions, please contact one of us at or and we will reply as soon as we can.

Thanks for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Miss White.



Reading: Children will continue to bring home books weekly and have 1:1 reading sessions in school. We will collect in returned books on a Monday and keep these until Tuesday when new books will be provided.  Please aim to read these, and other books, with your child for 5 to 10 minutes each day. There is a yellow reading record that will come home with these books too, please indicate when a book has been read with a tick or initials and any comments if you feel necessary. Please return the reading record when books are returned. Reading in school will take place as part of our phonics sessions and children will also be heard 1:1 during the week.

Spellings: Spellings will be taught in class during our phonics lessons. There will be a weekly quiz of 5 words and a dictated sentence towards the end of each unit. These will all be taken from the review part of our phonics sessions and, as such, words will not be sent home to practice.

Below is a breakdown of the sounds and spelling patterns for the Spring term.

Handwriting: Handwriting sessions will initially take place every day. We learn cursive handwriting in Year 2. Below is a link to example joins we will be learning.

Continuous Cursive Joins Letter version 3 - Animations and Worksheets (

PE: In PE this half term either Forest School or Invasion Games - both on Wednesday. Children should have received a letter telling them which weeks they are doing Forest School and appropriate clothing for this. All other weeks children should come to school wearing their PE kit – black jogging bottoms or shorts (if the weather is fit), white t-shirt, black jacket and trainers. 

Things to remember:

  • All children should bring a flask or bottle of water to school. Water only, please. This should be taken home and washed every day.
  • Named pumps must be worn in school. Children should be able to tie laces quickly if they have lace-up pumps/outdoor shoes and pumps should be checked by a parent every half term to ensure they are in good condition to prevent trip hazards.
  • Named, appropriate clothing for the weather should be brought every day – please ensure your child has a coat if rain is forecast or looks likely, especially as we head towards the winter.
  • School Policy is that, other than for religious reasons, children should not wear jewellery in school apart from a watch. These need to be removed for PE lessons.

Science Knowledge Organiser

RE Knowledge Organiser

History Knowledge Organiser

Geography Knowledge Organiser

Year 2 Class Blog


Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 2 Class Blog

This week in phonics we have been reviewing the 'oo' sound (oo as in moon). At the start of the week, we began thinking about all the different ways of spelling the sound and made different headings to sort the words we were reviewing. By the end of the week, we had 11 different ways of spelling the sound and various words with that way of spelling it.

Can you think of any more words that we could add?

Challah making!

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 2 Class Blog

As part of our RE, Year 2 have made challah and experienced tasting it and some grape juice. This links to our learning about how Jewish people celebrate Shabbat. It was a hit!

Baby Bear’s Chair

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 2 Class Blog

Year 2 had a brilliant DT lesson last week finally making baby bear’s chair. After testing stability and strength, we made the chairs and baby bear seems to like sitting in them!

DT Testing Strength

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 2 Class Blog

Our DT this half term is to design and make a chair for baby bear. We have already tested stability and this week we tested strength. We started by looking at three different shapes and how string they were. Between a cuboid, triangular prism and cylinder, the cylinder was the strongest. So, we set about making some cylinders of different heights and widths to see what would be strongest. After we had tested them, by piling books on top, we connected them together and when they were all attached together they were strong enough to be sat on! We were all amazed!

Science - Testing materials

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 2 Class Blog

In Science this week, Year 2 have been testing the properties of different everyday materials. We found different items in the classroom, identified the material they were made from and then chose different properties to test. W found that some materials are hard, flexible, smooth, waterproof and much more!

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