Adel St John The Baptist

Love - Serve - Support - Succeed

Welcome to Year 4

Year 4 Essential Information

Year 4 Curriculum Map

Year 4 Essential Information - Spring 1

Happy New Year! We hope all our Year 4 families had a wonderful Christmas. It is so lovely to see Year 4 back in school and raring to go for 2025!

We said goodbye to Mrs Moleele in Year 4 at the end of last term as she has now moved to work in Year 2. We have loved having her as one of our Year 4 teachers, so we are pleased she is still in school and we can say hello when we see her in the corridors. We are delighted to welcome Mrs Quinn back from maternity leave - Year 4 were very excited about her return.

Our Year 4 staff team is now as follows:

Mrs Quinn - Class Teacher - Monday - Wednesday

Miss Dakin - Class Teacher - Wednesday - Friday

Miss Smith - HLTA - Wednesday First Session

Mrs Pullan - Teaching Assistant - Monday - Friday

If you need to get in touch, please contact us on:  and 

It is always best to copy both class teachers into your communications with us, so that we are both aware of anything that is going on.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Dakin and Mrs Quinn

Homework In Year 4

Reading:  Reading helps children’s learning in a huge number of ways, including improving their vocabulary, developing the quality of their writing and building their comprehension skills. We expect children to read at home at least three times per week. We ask that a parent or carer sign this off in the reading record and return the reading record to school each Tuesday. In Year 4, it is still extremely beneficial for your child to carry out some of their home reading with an adult, either reading aloud, being read to, or a combination of the two. This allows for you to discuss the book with your child too which will help boost their comprehension skills.

Spellings: A new spelling list will be sent home each Friday and should be practised regularly, in short bursts throughout the week, ready for a test on the following Friday. The children will also have some opportunities in class to practise. In the Friday test, all ten words will be tested through dictated sentences. 

Mathletics: This is to be completed every week – there will be new Mathletics tasks set each Friday with trickier tasks (those scoring less than 50%) being re-set. Please check if your child needs support with any re-set tasks.

Times Tables Rock Stars: Using TTRS to practise times tables regularly at home is a very good idea. Just a three minute burst every day should see recall speeds continue to improve. 


Our PE days will be Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday mornings. Appropriate kit (trainers, black trousers/shorts with a white t-shirt and plain black jacket/jumper) must be worn on these days. 


Things to remember:

  • All children should bring a named flask or bottle of water to school. This should be taken home and washed every day.
  • Named pumps must be worn in school. Children should be able to tie laces quickly if they have lace-up pumps/outdoor shoes and pumps should be checked by a parent every half term to ensure they are in good condition to prevent trip hazards.
  • Named, appropriate clothing for the weather should be brought every day – please ensure your child has a coat in school every day. Gloves and hats may also be a good idea at this time of year.
  • School Policy is that, other than for religious reasons, children should not wear jewellery in school apart from a watch (smart watches are not allowed). These need to be removed for PE lessons.

Year 4 Class Blog

Good News!

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 4 Class Blog

Year 3 and 4 did a wonderful job this week when they performed their Easter production. It was the culmination of weeks of hard work and we were all very proud of them.

Royal Armouries Visit

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 4 Class Blog

Year 4 had a brilliant day on Wednesday visiting the Royal Armouries in Leeds. We took part in two workshops linked to our learning about Anglo Saxons, learning about the legend of Beowulf and having a go at being archaeologists. We also explored the relevant section of the museum galleries. A big thank you goes to Mrs. Hallett and Mrs. Harrison who kindly volunteered to accompany us on the visit.


Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 4 Class Blog

In DT today we have been designing packaging for our mindfulness timers and we began making a prototype of our design. We had to think about branding, including thinking of a brand name and logo. It was quite tricky to make and fold our nets accurately but Year 4 persevered and did a great job. 

World Book Day

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 4 Class Blog

Year 4 have had a great day today celebrating World Book Day. Their costumes looked fantastic! One of the highlights of the day was getting together with Year 1 to share some lovely books together. 

Modelling the Digestive System

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 4 Class Blog

We have been learning about the functions of parts of the human digestive system and today we modelled some of the digestive process using bananas, biscuits, orange juice, food bags, tights and kitchen roll. We had a lot of fun and Year 4 were able to clearly describe how our model represented the real body parts. 

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