Adel St John The Baptist

Love - Serve - Support - Succeed

Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to Spring Term in Year 3!

Miss Jackson will be teaching on Mondays and Tuesdays, and Miss Christie will be teaching on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; Mrs McDonald and Mrs Pullan will be our teaching assistants.

On this page, you should find everything you need to know - our Meet the Teacher Information Evening presentation, curriculum map, knowledge organisers and weekly blog are a full of information but please contact us should there be anything else you need.


Happy New Year!

Posted: Jan 10, 2025 by: H Christie (hfountain) on: Year 3 Class Blog

Happy New Year! A cold, snowy, icy one, but hopefully a great one! The children have done really well this week, settling back into school with no outdoor playtimes and lots of new learning. Our dictionary work from our reading about washing woolly mammoths (!) is depicted below but the children have also been getting into character as Stone Age boys and girls, finding out about rocks types and learning about big life changes. Well done for getting through this first week back, Year 3 - enjoy a well deserved rest this weekend!!

Please Note - Spellings for this half term are on the class page - Week 1 spellings will be tested next Friday - We have spoken this afternoon about how there will now be one word chosen at random from the spellings which is given to the children for them to write their own sentence to show their understanding of the word.e.g. If the word is 'myth', they might write, 'The teacher read a myth to the children from a long time ago.' 7 of the 10 words will now be written as dictation (building up to all 10 by the end of the year). Mrs McDonald's group will stick with 5 for now.


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