Welcome to Year 3
Welcome to Spring Term in Year 3!
Miss Jackson will be teaching on Mondays and Tuesdays, and Miss Christie will be teaching on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; Mrs McDonald and Mrs Pullan will be our teaching assistants.
On this page, you should find everything you need to know - our Meet the Teacher Information Evening presentation, curriculum map, knowledge organisers and weekly blog are a full of information but please contact us should there be anything else you need.
Charcoal artwork
Posted: Feb 9, 2024 by: Katie Pape (kpape) on: Year 3 Class Blog
This week, the children completed their art project using the media of charcoal and chalk. Over the past few weeks the children explored the work of Laura McKendry, experimented with charcoal and how this can be smudged to create different effects, as well as using a rubber and white chalk to create other dramatic effects. The children were asked to create different portraits using torchlight only. The focus was on shadow and using charcoal to create this. We are looking forward to displaying this artwork in our classroom and look forward to you all seeing it at our open classroom morning. We wish you all a wonderful half term and look forward to seeing everyone back on the 19th February.