Adel St John The Baptist

Love - Serve - Support - Succeed

Reception Class

 Stay and Count handout for parents.pdfDownload
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Welcome back to the second spring term- we are half way through the year already! We can't quite believe it! We hope you all had a lovely half term break and ready for the brighter evenings and warmer days (hopefully!) 

This half term our topic will be 'Animal Mania' where the children will be learning about different animals that live in Africa- specifically jungle and safari animals. We will begin our topic by exploring different animals we might see and writing lots of descriptions and facts about these animals. We will then move onto looking at Kenya where we will learn about different African cultures and traditions and then compare these with English traditions and climates. All of our reading texts are centred around this theme and can be found on our long term plan below. In Maths we will be looking at the compositions of numbers 9 and 10 and looking at these numbers in greater depth. In science we will be looking at the season of spring as well as exploring different animals. Our Christian Value this half term is 'Forgiveness' and we will be exploring this theme through books and circle time sessions. Our last week will focus on the Christian celebration of Easter. 

Thank you for your continued support as always. 

The Reception Team. 

 Important dates for your diary this half term- 

Friday 28th February- Stay and Measure- Workshop for parents

Thursday 6th March- World Book Day and Animal Handling session

Tuesday 11th March- School trip to Stockeld Park

Wednesday 19th March and Thursday 20th March- Parent Consultation Evenings

Wednesday 26th March- Stay and Play session- Parents welcome (2:30-3:00pm)

Friday 4th April- School closes for the Easter break

Tuesday 22nd April- School reopens


Monday – Miss Griffin, Miss Mackenzie, Miss Appleton, Miss Battye

Tuesday- Miss Griffin, Miss Mackenzie, Miss Kane and Miss Appleton

Wednesday- Miss Griffin, Mrs Pape, Miss Mackenzie Miss Battye, Miss Rama, Miss Kane.

Thursday- Mrs Pape, Miss Mackenzie, Miss Battye and Miss Kane

Friday- Mrs Pape, Miss Mackenzie, Miss Battye and Miss Kane

Reading at home
Your child is now bringing home 2 books each week. One is based on their learning that they have completed in Phonics and the other is to read for pleasure with your child. This is usually selected by your child and it's a great way to model reading and discussing books. Please ensure your child reads their phonics book at least 3 x week as this helps build their fluency and recognition of words. We aim to listen to your child read at least once a week and books are changed on a Thursday. 


3.15pm Pick-up

At 3.15pm, the children have been leaving the classroom via the same door they enter school, one at a time. T If someone new to us is picking up your child, or there is a change to the usual routine, please let us know at morning drop-off, via the office or by email.

At home-time and after school, please do not allow your children to play on the climbing frame or other equipment in the ‘Garden’ area or on the school field. This is for health and safety and insurance reasons. Thank you.

 Outdoor Learning

In Reception we love to be outside in our garden, exploring on the field or visiting our Conservation Area. We try to go outside in all weathers (and particularly enjoy the rain!) so, if you haven’t already, please provide your child with an all-in-one waterproof suit or a waterproof coat and trousers, along with wellies to avoid lovely new uniforms from becoming not-so-lovely. These would be best left in school if possible please. Please provide a named coat hanger on which we can hang the wet waterproofs! Thank you. For indoors, we ask that each child keeps their pair of pumps in school, we will send these home at the end of a term for you to check their fit. Please name everything that comes in to school. 


Reception’s PE days will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays this half term. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their PE kits on this day with a suitable pairs of trainers. 

Milk and Water Bottles

The children have a snack (fruit or vegetable) each day and are always encouraged to try all new foods. They will also receive cow’s milk each day until they turn 5. This will begin at the start of the children’s first full week of school, Monday 16th September. If you would prefer your child not to have milk, please let the school know. Once children are 5, their milk will need to be paid for as outlined in previous information received. Please be aware that there is a delay between your payment happening and your child being added to our school milk order. Children have access to their water bottles throughout the day and are encouraged to drink regularly. Please ensure children have their names on their water bottle and bring fresh water to school each day. The children are able to re-fill their bottle throughout the school day as needed.


Book Bags

It is helpful if children can bring a book bag to school each day so they can bring home drawings and books etc. We would also appreciate a spare set of underwear and socks being kept in your child’s bag. This could be in a spare bag, left on your child’s peg, or inside their book bag.


An 'open door' policy is really important to us here at Adel St John so if there is anything you wish to discuss or mention, please let one of the Reception team know. Mornings tend to be our busiest time so after school is preferable, where possible. We are all here to ensure your child has a smooth transition into school life so please speak to us if you have any concerns and we will work together to support them. 

You can also email us and our email addresses are given below. Please be aware that we may not be able to check these when we are teaching the children but we will aim to get back to you as soon as we can.

As always, thank you for your continued support. 

Here's to a wonderful half term! 

Miss Griffin, Mrs Pape, Miss Kane, Mrs Appleton. Miss Mackenzie and Miss Battye


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Love is in the air!

Posted: Feb 14, 2025 by: Katie Pape (kpape) on: Reception Class Blog

This week we had a visit from Evil Pea who caused carnage in the classroom! He wrote on tables, drew on the window, kidnapped vegetables and stole our snack. We hatched up a plan to capture him using different methods and wrote ‘Wanted’ posters to display around the school. We finally caught him on Friday with a shopping basket! 
Today we celebrated Valentine’s Day where the children made cards for each other, discussed what love means and feels like and we made play dough cookies for one another. 
What a fabulous half term! We wish everyone a restful half term and we look forward to seeing everyone on Monday 24th February. 


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